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More Please: My Family Recipes You'll Love To C...

As you might have noticed when showing you these various organizational methods for recipes, I've been distinguishing between tried and true recipes, and ones you'd like to try, but haven't yet.The reason is that you should put more effort into organizing the recipes you and your family have tried and love than the ones you've never tried yet. Sure, it might be amazing, but it might be a dud. Don't spend even more time on a recipe you haven't tried until you know whether it is worth your effort.That's why for things like untried recipes I like the idea of adding them to a file folder, or loosely into a binder, but not onto recipe cards.With recipe cards you either are typing or handwriting lots of information, so only do this if you really love the recipe!But assuming you do like the recipe I like this idea from a reader, Kristina, who uses her own recipe cards. She explained, "Evernote didn't work for me. A popular app was nice but didn't work for me. A binder with printed recipes (I typed them) didn't work for me. Recipe cards are working great for me. I created them. They were initially small and I didn't like cramming stuff in there, so I made them twice as tall and they're perfect now. I like the not-perfect look of them being hand written and it's super easy for me to add to them. I only write out recipes that I've tried and like enough to make again."If you don't want to make your own recipe cards you can purchase them here:

More Please: My family recipes you'll love to c...

Stephanie shared her picture on the Home Storage Solutions 101 Facebook wall.Stephanie says:Here is a picture of my new recipe system!!!! I love it!!!!I should have taken a picture of before! But you probably can imagine what it used to look like!I wanted to thank you for last weeks challenge of "Organizing your recipes". I finally stopped putting it off! My recipes are finally organized and planning my two week meal plan was so easy! Keep the challenges coming. I may finally get my household organized so I may better enjoy my family and life!!!!!!!!!Taylor says:Stephanie, your system looks wonderful!I like that you have a recipe organization system which utilizes recipe cards, in a recipe box, for those recipes you've already tried and know your family likes.In addition, I see you've taken my suggestion to create an easy to use binder system to hold the recipes you've still not tried yet, but want to.Thanks so much for sharing your "after" picture, and keep up the great work!

Crystal from Crystal's Ramblings shared how she organized her family's favorite recipes in a binder.I think Crystal had some great advice about how to best use your recipe binder. She says:as we use recipes that we like, I add them to my binder. You may even notice in this one below there is a little note that says, "Rebecca loves!" I also write notes to myself if I don't like a recipe. I usually do this in the actual cookbook itself.I think really individualizing and personalizing your recipes is the best way to organize them. That's because food is such a personal matter, and everyone's tastes are different. The more you can remember who likes what, or tweaks to the recipe you've made to make it more to your family's liking, the more useful your recipes will be. In addition, your organized recipes will eventually become a treasured family keepsake, reminding your family of how much you loved and cared for them with something as simple as the food served.***Update: After publishing this I got a comment from another reader, Lolli, who did something similar to personalize her recipe binder. Here's what she said:Lolli's Reasons For Loving Binders With Page ProtectorsAfter I began keeping my recipes in a binder I regretted that I hadn't started collecting this way my whole adult life. With the recipe in the protective sheet I can take out all the recipes I will use for a particular event and put the binder away. The recipe is protected from spills and tears. Those recipes that do have spills and show wear are also in the binder and they provide me with memories from BEFORE I had the protective sheets.BUT the best thing that I added to the binder in the protective sheets are menus from holiday dinners and special events like "Mexican Meal." I can add notes as to what the guests enjoyed and either repeat or delete the items the next year.

  • Jackie says:Thank you so much for the recipe challenge last week! I started that project over a year ago, and ever since they have been sitting in a bag in our office. I finally had the motivation to finish copying and sorting them into a binder. I have sections for:Breakfast

  • Soups, salads and sides

  • Main dishes

  • Sweets

  • Dips, Appetizers, and Misc.; and

  • Drinks

Within there, I put tabs on our family favorites so they are easier to find. Main dishes were sorted with chicken together, fish, pork, etc. I kept a pen and extra tabs with the binder for making notes and marking new favorites. The dividers have pockets to stash new recipes in the right place until I can copy them and get them in the binder.I also recycled about 8-10 cook books that had been handed down to me that I finally admitted I would never use. Feels great to finally have this done!!Taylor says:Thanks so much for sharing these great pictures with me Jackie.I am especially loving your idea to use divider tabs with folder pockets in them! (such as the ones on the right). That's absolutely brilliant, and I can see how that would make it easier to save the recipes in the right spot until you had time to add them to the binder properly!I also like how you've kept your supplies for your recipe binder close at hand so when you need to add a new recipe you can do it quickly and easily, without having to search throughout the house for the supplies. This, all by itself, should help you keep your recipes more organized from now on, since it will be easier to do the one recipe as it comes up. Great job, and please send me more updates from other challenges when you've completed them too!Are You Inspired To Get Organized Now?You've seen some great ideas and storage solutions from other readers who've taken on Week #5's organizing challenge.I hope these ideas have inspired you to get your own paper recipes in order. If it has, I would also urge you to join the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge where over the course of the year we tackle every room and major type of item in your home to get everything decluttered and organized.In addition, if you decide to tackle this particular challenge I would love for you to share your before and after pictures with me for the Home Organization Hall of Fame, and I'll add the best pictures to the site..Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

After reading reviews, made after dinner so flavors could infuse more, was so brilliant, still had get my spoon into, family loved so much was all gone, next time shall double recipe. Followed recipe except subbed kalamata olives and a little more wine. Thank you very much.!!

Plan on having the Pastor and his mother over for dinner . I love him but he is very hard to cook for.. Not much that he will eat..Vegetables are a no no except raw carrots potatoes and green beans He does like chicken cacciatore and I have been searching for a recipe for ever . This sounds yummy and I am sure he will love it. I know that I will. Thank you so much. Subscribed to your site and looking forward to more recipes.

Holly is a wine and cheese lover, recipe creator, shopping enthusiast and self appointed foodie. Her greatest passion is creating in the kitchen and making deliciously comforting recipes for the everyday home cook!See more posts by Holly

Thanks for this suggestion for a coconut substitute. I have a family member who refuses to eat it, so I also wondered what to sub. He loves pecans, so I know he will love this. I always check your cooking blog first when searching for recipes! I know I can trust yours!!!!!

Hello Natasca and Vadim, Kak dela? My name is Enoch, my wife Diane (french Canadia) we have 3 sons Isaac, Reuben, and Samuel who is also worship leader in out church Southsihe church in Chilliwack BC, following the steps of Jesus. I came from Slovakia, where my dad was pricher (persecuted by communists) and I love Idaho potatoes. We are watching your recepies longer time, and my favorit are the Crapes in mixer, you know, Delicious. So when the chickens ley more eggs, ges what is for breakfest? God bless you, all family. Paka.

Hi Natasha. I stumbled onto your site by typing in salmon and asparagus. Tonight I made your One Pan Salmon and Aspraragus with Garlic Herb Butter. Super yummy and delicious! My wonderful husband and I loved it. I enjoyed reading all about you and your family as My Wonderful and I lived in Ukraine for 8 years as missionaries. When I told him about your site he told me that he was familiar with your site and has used quite a few of your recipes. We both love to cook. I am so looking forward to trying many of your recipes! May God contiune to bless you, your family, and all that you put your hand to do.

Natasha, I love your recipes! I have tried many of them with great results. You have a beautiful family! I follow you on YouTube and love your personality. Are you coming out with a cookbook any time soon by chance? Thanks for all you do. 041b061a72


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